The Shelties of Dyniques
Memorable dogs and memorable moments...
We are very proud to present the Dyniques family of Shelties over the years. These are some of the dogs we have bred, owned ourselves, or sold to loving companion or show or performance homes. They have each touched our lives in their own special sheltie way, leaving their beautiful pawprints forever in our hearts.

Our beautiful Meadow, pictured at 11 years, owned and loved by our friend Dianne, is beautiful both in body and spirit.

Sophie - Dyniques Night at the Oscars

Summer (above and left) - Ch. Seabrooks Summer at Dyniques, owned and loved by our friend Dianne

Ch. Chanstars Love Story - Sally
Ch. Laureate L'ingenue - Jenna

Laureate Scarlette
Laureate Scarlette

Kenzie at Northwinds Dog Show, photo by Roy Anders

More photos coming soon!